Next Live Teleclass: MARKETING TIPS FOR 2012: Working With Divorcing ClientsThurs., Jan. 26, 2012Teleclass with and Carol Ann Wilson, Certified Financial Divorce SpecialistDo you want to increase your divorce business this year? Tune in while Carol Ann Wilson shares many, many tips from her 26 years of experience in the Divorce consulting business.
- Divorce Clinic
- Second Saturday
- Therapists
- Ethics of working with existing divorcing couples
- Seminars
- Bring your calendar to set appointments!
- What should you present?
- Articles
- TIPS program
- Is the Collaboration program for you?
- How your sample case will increase your business many times
- Attorneys
- Getting from your Client to the Attorney
- Risks and dangers of presenting at their meetings
- Marketing to Attorneys
Avoiding malpractice traps - And much more!

What if you cannot attend the teleclass?For all teleclass registrants, a free digital recording (MP3 file) of the teleclass will be available 7 to 10 days after the live teleclass. We will send you an email with instructions on how to download the teleclass recording when it is ready. The recording will allow you to review the material whenever you want and in the convenience of your own home or office. ScheduleThe teleclass is scheduled for Thurs., Jan. 26, 2012
It will last approximately 50 minutes and will begin promptly at: - 10am Pacific Time
- 11am Mountain Time
- 12 noon Central Time
- 1pm Eastern Time
Cost: $39.00 
IMPORTANT!! After you have registered, you should receive an email with instructions on how to enter the call. If you do not receive this information within a few hours of your successful registration, please call our office at 1-888-332-3342 as soon as possible so we can correct the problem. QuestionsIf you have specific questions on this topic, please send them ahead of time to carolann@carolannwilson.com. That will help to create the best discussion possible.
Presented by the:
Financial Divorce Association Carol Ann Wilson, President 906 Cranberry Court, Longmont, CO 80503 Phone: 303-774-1225 Email: carolann@carolannwilson.com |
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